Video providing overview of Apricus Factory in Nanjing, China. Apricus is ready to provide best support to our customers in new year.
Apricus designed and installed 216 x ETC-30 collectors on the St Malo Export company textile dyeing factory in Mauritius. The system will produce up to 3000kWh of heat per day, reducing their consumption of heavy fuel oil. The system is a closed loop (water) using a brazed plate heat exchanger to heat a 200m3 insulated atmospheric storage tank.
Instruction Video
Solar overview including evacuated solar collector design, solar hot water system operation as well as collector installation guidelines.
An overview of how evacuated tube solar hot water systems work with Adam Bailey of the solar hot water equipment manufacturer Apricus at the 2011 AHR Expo in Las Vegas. Look for more energy saving ideas for your home at
100 collector Apricus system installed on a fabric dyeing factory in Mauritius. This system will save 380 MWh of energy every year, reducing carbon emissions by 114 tonnes.
The Apricus Solar Ready Tanks (SRT) are perfect for emergency hot water situations, replacing an an ageing, in-efficient electric hot water tank or in some cases for new home builds on a budget. Visit now for more information or to get a quote!
Check out the Apricus & NCPW TV advert produced by coastal media. Contact us if you're looking for a top quality Apricus solar hot water system for your household or business. NCPW Solar & Water Solutions
NCPW advertising Apricus
Apricus AP-30 evacuated tube solar collector mounted on a 30 degree asphalt shingle roof. Shows typical mounting equipment and piping path.
Apricus and Solar Usage Now were featured on WPTA ABC 21 out of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Great job to the Solar Usage Now team!
Apricus evacuated tube solar hot water collector with Grundfos 15 20 Cil circulating pump, Senztek Solastat or RESOL solar controller, AVG valves survives a hail storm with no damage.
Eric Skiba introduces convention attendees to the Wombat, a non-pressured solar thermal combination system.
На видео продемонстрирован процесс сборки вакуумного трубчатого солнечного коллектора Apricus АР 20 (Априкус АР 20).
Watch as Western Bulldogs forward Liam Jones visits new Bulldogs Friendly Business Apricus Solar Hot Water to find out more about their business and what offers are available to Western Bulldogs Members.
Installation Video
Overview of Apricus evacuated tube solar collector assembly and installation process.
Installation of 8 x Apricus AP-30 evacuated tube solar collector providing hot water for 10 showers for the SMART correctional facility in Austin, TX, USA.
Video of Apricus solar hot water system installation on Tip Top apartments in Brunswick East Australia.
Apricus solar hot water system being installed in Brisbane, QLD. For more information visit
Installation of Apricus solar hot water system in animation. Roof installation of Apricus evacuated tubes and RESOL roof sensor. Complete pump station with Grundfos 15 20 cil circulating pump, RESOL BS/4 controller installation.
Bryan Moss - Apricus technical manager shot a very quick video while on-site commissioning an Apricus commercial solar hot water system located at The Glen Hotel & Suites in Brisbane, QLD.
An AP-30 gets installed on a subdivision home in Brooklin, Ontario.
Apricus installation in Brooklin Canada providing domestic hot water. System is a closed loop, using a PAW pump station and Apricus 30 tube collector.
How To Install
Just as important as installing a system correctly, is sizing it correctly. Too small and there is not enough hot water, too large and your quote may come out substantially higher than the next plumber, which generally = lost job!
This video gives you an overview of what is required BEFORE heading to site to ensure a complete installation and potentially avoid down-time during the day!
How to remove an existing tank safely to prepare for installation of the Apricus solar ready tank.
How to prepare a suitable base for the Apricus solar hot water storage tank.
How to install the Apricus pump station, which includes the controller and hot water circulation pump.
Pipework must be installed correctly to ensure trouble free, long term operation of the system. This video explains the best way to run flow and return solar pipework.
Apricus systems are light-weight and easy to install. This video details how to install the manifold and framework and secure on a tin or tile roof.
How to connect the flow and return pipework to the Apricus solar hot water manifold.
How to begin commissioning the solar hot water system and remove any air from the solar loop, set correct flow rate and identify any leaks.
How to prepare and install Apricus solar tubes into the manifold correctly and efficiently.
How to read the Apricus controller, and check the system is working correctly prior to leaving the site.
How to extend the Apricus sensor cables for longer pipe runs.
Founded in 2003 by Australian Mick Humphreys with a specific focus on solar thermal solutions, Apricus has since grown into a global company with distribution and support offices worldwide.
19 Pu Si Road, Pukou New and High Tech Development Zone, Nanjing, China, 210061 Ph: +86 25 58649133 Fax: +86 25 58648103 Email: